homework Oct. 9-13

                                                     Unit 1 Lesson 6


Please have your child write their own name. (You can use a highlighter and have them trace it.)

Por favor haga que su hijo/a escribe su nombre solito/a.

Practice the song for the letter Bb on the CD every day and read the story.


Monday/lunes:   .Write the letter Bb, please follow the lines(top-middle-bottom). Color the pictures that start with the B sound.

Math book page 16A


Tuesday/martes:_Fill in the missing sight word and read the sentence.

Math page 16B


Wednesday/miércoles:_Color the pictures that have the B for the beginning sound.

Math page 28A .Bring your library book.


Thursday/jueves: Circle the beginning sound.


Math page 28B Computer lab today.


Friday/viernes: Homework is due today.

Se entrega la tarea hoy. P.E. Today


Parents: Review letters, sounds, sight words, numbers 0-10, and counting to 20

Sight words:         I   like  the   am   and can See

Padres: Repase las letras, sonidos, palabras de vista, números 0-10, y cuente a 20 con su niño.  

Please have your child bring their folder everyday to class. Thank you. Por favor que su niño traiga su folder todo los días.

Please return your confence paper back. Thank you

(parent’s signature/firma de padre):