homework Sept. 25-29

                                                     Unit 1 Lesson 4


Please have your child write their own name. (You can use a highlighter and have them trace it.)

Por favor haga que su hijo/a escribe su nombre solito/a.

Practice the song for the letter Ss on the CD every day and read the story.

Monday/lunes:   Color the pictures that start with the sound of /s/.Write the letter m please follow the lines(top-middle-bottom).

Math book page 428A


Tuesday/martes:_Circle the pictures that start with the letter /s/ .

Math page 428B

Picture Day today.                                                                   


Wednesday/miércoles:_Trace the word /and/ then go back and read the sentence.

Math page 432A

Mud run envelopes due today. Bring your library book.


Thursday/jueves: _Sound out the word, write the word, and reread the word. Color the pictures.

Math page 432B                                                                


Friday/viernes: Homework is due today. Mud Run

Se entrega la tarea hoy.


Parents: Review letters, sounds, sight words, numbers 0-10, and counting to 20

Sight words:         I   like  the   am   and

Padres: Repase las letras, sonidos, palabras de vista, números 0-10, y cuente a 20 con su niño.  

Please have your child bring their folder everyday to class. Thank you. Por favor que su niño traiga su folder todo los días.

(parent’s signature/firma de padre):