Lake Marie Elementary School Home

Success for Every Student

The South Whittier School District holds students and staff to rigorous standards in order to prepare every scholar for 21st Century success in college and the workforce, within a safe and supportive environment.
Our students are challenged to reach their full potential and develop their curiosity and thirst for discovery.
Our district celebrates our families’ diverse traditions, cultures, and languages as foundations for learning.

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Learn More About the Common Core State Standards

All K-6 teachers implement strong first instruction utilizing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and best practices in an effort to challenge our students, foster the development of critical thinkers, creative problem solvers; and to be competitive 21st century learners. The teachers have undergone extensive training in English-Language Arts and mathematics. As a school community we believe our students will benefit greatly from deeper levels of thinking, inquiry based learning, and being engaged in the classroom. Please feel free to visit Ms. Palomino in the front office if you have any questions about the Common Core State Standards.

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