Miss Kimberly Pauls » Homework Policy

Homework Policy


Beginning Monday, August 28, 2017, the students will have homework. They will take a packet home on Monday and return the packet on Friday. Each night will have an assignment consisting of Reading, Math, and Writing. All homework will be a review of concepts taught in class. Please check their homework packet, before signing it, to ensure that all assignments are completed and then sign it. Incomplete or missing homework will result in loss of recess. Please help your child with this important responsibility. Here are some other suggestions for helping your child:

• Find them a place free of distractions to do their work.

• Have pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, and an eraser at home.

• Read with your child 15-20 minutes a night.

• Check and sign their packet before it is turned in.

• Keep their homework in a folder or backpack so that they will not lose it.

Empezando el lunes, 28 de agusto los alumnos tendran tarea. Ellos llevaran un paquete a la casa el lunes y lo regresaran el viernes. Cada noche tendran tarea de lectura, matematicas, e escritura. La tarea sera un repaso de conceptos ensenados en clase. Por favor revise la tarea para asegurar que este completa y firmela. Tarea incompleta o que no sea entregada resultara en perdida de recreo. Favor de ayudar a su hijo/a con esta responsabilidad. Tambien pueden ayudar de las siguientes maneras:

• Buscar un lugar sin distraciones para que completen su tarea.

• Tener lapices, colores, tijeras, pegamento, y un borrador en casa.

• Leer con su hijo/a 15-20 minutos cada noche.

• Revisar y firmar la tarea antes de que se entregue.

• Poner la tarea en un lugar central como un folder o mochila para que no se pierda.



Dear Parents,

I am writing to ask a favor.  I am very allergic to scents (perfumes, lotions, hand sanitizer, etc.)  Could you please not put perfume or cologne on your child in the morning?  It makes me sneeze.  I would really appreciate it. 


Also, please don't sent anything that sprays with your child to school.  We have had a couple of incidents where it got sprayed in class, and I have had an allergy attack.  The children my bring hand sanitizer to school, but could you please remind them to use it outside. 


Thank you for your help!

Miss Pauls