Miss Karen Fuller » Characteristics of Scholars

Characteristics of Scholars

Scholarly Behavior & Speech

The following ideas, suggestions, are based on the work of Dr. Sandra Kaplan --USC School of Education
  • Scholars spend time pondering ideas and problems.
  • Scholars consider themselves "half full". They exercise academic humility by realizing that they will ALWAYS  HAVE MORE TO LEARN.
  • Scholars have both short and long term goals for themselves.  They have a vision!
  • Scholars come prepared to learn.  They bring their tools with them to school and are ready each day with "minds on".
  • Scholars save ideas, documents, and unfinished work so that they may come back to them later.
  • Scholars are curious. They ask thoughtful questions.
  • Scholars look at a variety of resources.  They may include both fiction and nonfiction, and include different   genres of literature in their research.
  • Scholars exercise their intellect by TRYING challenging tasks.
  • Scholars are risk-takers.  They are willing to try something new and challenging. 

Scholars ask questions and demonstrate understanding using scholarly/academic speech:

Scholarly Speech Phrases

=I think...                                       =I agree/disagree with ____ because...

=I liked/disliked...                              =To add on to what ____ said, ...

=I predict…                                       =I wonder why...

=I figured out...                                 = _____’s idea reminds me of …

=I don’t understand...                           =I have a question about...

=I’m confused about…                            =Can you say that in a different way?

=Could you explain the difference between ____ and ____?

=Can you be more specific?                      =Can you expand more on ____ ?

=Could you tell me more about ____?           =Could you repeat the part about ____?

=What did you do to get that answer?         =I think my answer is reasonable because…

=What is the next step I need to take?       =On page ____, it said…

=In other words you mean _____.              =I can prove my answer is correct by...

=The text evidence that supports my answer/conclusion is …

=From the reading, I know that ____.         = Based on what I read…   

=According to the text…                         =Based on the picture evidence, I think…




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